Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Start of a Journey

Hello friends and family!  

This summer I was offered an incredible opportunity to spend 9 weeks in Kakamega, Kenya, living with a host family and volunteering for an organization called Mahiakalo Child Development Centre. This experience will be exciting, authentic, and challenging; I’m ready for culture-shock, to be pushed beyond my comfort zone, to challenge my beliefs, and to take on a new perspective (all while staying safe and making prudent decisions, of course).  I decided to start a blog to track my travels, record my experiences and emotions, and share with anyone who cares to follow my journey.
I landed in Amsterdam this morning, and since I had a 14-hour layover, I decided to venture out into the city with 5 other members of the Kakamega Duke Engage group.  Amsterdam is a beautiful and unique city, with canals weaving between roads, 3-meter-wide buildings, and very diverse people.  We went on a canal tour of the city to see some highlights, walked through the red-light district, and enjoyed people-watching in its purest form- without the distractions of texting or the internet.  Now we’re back in the airport waiting for our plane to board and I think we're all really feeling the jet-lag.

I'm off to get a good night's sleep on the plane before landing in Nairobi, where the real adventures will begin!

P.S. The photos from today aren't loading from the spotty internet connection in the airport, but I'll be sure to upload them when I have a chance!

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